I used to work as a part time DBA and when I was doing my supposedely menial tasks like unlocking accounts. One of the frequent request was to get an code for the object a Function or Package or Trigger. While this was trivial task to get an single object code it had to be quick. I never bothered to write any code or script to get that. However one day a developer came and asked me for a code dump for a whole schema ( We had 2500 eligible objects). What he wanted was the code dump for every plsql object stored in the system. This included triggers, functions, procedures , packages. So I searched the internet and came up with a code to do that. It was fairly small 10 liner code which was astonishing. Curiously I never saw the function used anywhere. The function clob2file is from package dbms_xslprocessor. This one is available in oracle 11g so if you ever found yourself yearning to dump a clob object to file you should try using this. There was just a little problem I wante...
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