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Use the Microsoft Visual Studio Code(VScode) with Java Maven project.

The VS Code is the go to editor now a days for the latest technologies and scripting options. VS Code as we all know works seamlessly with Python and JavaScripts, and offcourse the .NET family.

But VS Code has many extensions which makes it big Java IDEs run for their money.

Lets explore what we could do with VSCode if we are Java developer.
Install VScode , no brainer. Jus type download Visual Studio code in google.

Alrright once we have VSCode. Open it.

  1. Install Maven and Java extension.
2. Go to files and a small window will now appear on left side navigation bar.
3. Select New Maven project.
4. Select the archtype from dropdown.
5. As usual input the grpid, artifactid etc.
6. Done.

Go through a video which has much detailed navigation flow.

Till next time !!!


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